Bitte klickt auf "Anmelden" und schickt mir eine Mail, wenn ihr in unseren Verteiler für Online-Aktivitäten aufgenommen werden möchtet. Vielen Dank!

Dear members and friends,

I hope that you are well and that you are coping with the crisis, which has been going on for such a long time now.

There's not much you can do to meet people, except going for walks, talking on the phone or meeting at Zoom or else.


That is why I would like to present an idea to you that might help you to deal with this difficult pandemic.

As going for a walk seems to be an activity that many people prefer at the moment, I think this could be a possibility to stay in contact or to renew it. If you belong to this group and you are looking for someone to come along,  you could drop me a line telling me where and when you prefer to meet. I will then put pairs together and let you know who you could go with and send an email to the two of you.

Please send an email to:

Stay healthy and optimistic!


Walk and Talk
Weather Permitting
Monday - Friday : 
13.30h - 15.30h Sunday : Flexible.
Start: Stöckheim or venue
to be arranged at short notice.
For more information
please contact Katherine:

Let's start a cycling group! 
Suggestions: March - To the Woods! Buschwindröschen time! April - Schloss Richmond - Bürgerpark May - Leiferde -Südsee June - Heidbergsee Mascherode Suggestions Wanted! Bikes can be taken by Bus or
even train to meeting places, starting venues or back home again if too far. Easy! Times and dates to be arranged at short notice depending on
the weather.
For more information please contact Katherine Kueppers:



How about a DEG Camera Club?

Is anyone interested in photography?
If so, please contact Katherine Kueppers:




Waiting for spring

Since the pandemic will probably stay with us for quite a while and it will take until 2022 until the last ones will be vaccinated against Covid-19, some of us have recently been thinking about how we can stay in touch.
Of course, we can and will move into the digital realm - but we thought of creating a tangible brochure for all of us.
The brochure will be called:
DEG, the Pandemic and me - okay, this is only the project name, you are invited to make suggestions.
All are welcome to contribute, it would be so great to have reports from Germany and from abroad.
Those who cannot jump into writing so easily can think about the following questions:
What does my everyday life look like?
What do I miss?
What will I do once we get back to normal?
If DEG emerges from the pandemic changed, what should it be like?
Photos can of course be published if the copyright is cleared.
We need the finished texts by Thursday, 25 February 2021.
Is there a minimum length? Nope.
Is there a maximum length? Maybe.
Language: your choice
Possible formats .doc, .pdf or also handwritten or typed on paper - then of course by normal post!
We would need to know whether the text should appear under your own name or with a pseudonym.
Please, write in the style you prefer; e.g. if a poem comes to your mind, just go ahead.
Have fun - we're looking forward to receiving your text.


Are there any questions about this? Always welcome!
Please contact Sabine:
Stay safe - stay healthy.